Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yep . . . you guessed it . . .

Yes, the people I like to be around . . . who I enjoy engaging life / faith with . . . are usually involved/ or participate in one or more of the following:

-Singing / music.
-Playing, building or repairing guitars.
-Attending worship and Bible study; and engaging in mission through a local church in the name of Jesus Christ.
-Believing that the Bible is a living document, and trying to live by its guidance despite the failure, at times, of individual human nature.
-Believing that family and relationships are what makes one truly rich.
-Appreciating the out-of-doors and our responsibility to be good stewards of it.
-Appreciating a good, old fashioned, honest and respectful debate on various topics of spititual, relational and social relevance.
-Spending time giving back to our communities through public service.

These are the various elements of my personal value system. Yes, it seems very clear that I am drawn to those who have values somewhat similar to those I have.

And that is not bad in and of itselft. This isn't really a bad list of things to be involved or participate in.

I'm better than I deserve! ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...