Sunday, October 28, 2007

Soft drink pledge

My pledge of not drinking "soft drinks that have sugar" is my effort to become a little more personally responsible about my health.

I'm not criticizing the soft drink industry in any way. Dr. Pepper, Coke and Root Beer are just not good for me . . . with the illness I have to manage day-to-day.

I will admit, and not ashamedly so, that I do, every 3 days or so, drink a diet Dr. Pepper (medium size). I have found out that the sugar substitute in the diet drinks affects my pancreas as much if not more than sugar does. So, I can't have diet drinks every day either.

My illness is called "Insulin Cell Resistance." It is not diabetes, at least not at this time. When I eat/drink too many carbs, it causes my pancreas to "dump" all the stored insulin it has ready all at one time. The issue is the damage it is doing to my arteries, and that I am probably a candidate for a stroke in the next 10 years if I don't finally commit myself to doing something about it.

Today was Commitment Sunday in our church. At four Sunday morning worship services, people came to the front to lay on the altar table their commit to serve God through their prayers, presences gifts and service. I think I commited my health to God today as well.

More reports and sharing to follow.

I'm better than I deserve! ><>


Steve Heyduck said...

What a great point- to commit one's health to God! Why don't more of us think of that?

Perhaps we should include that pledge in each church's stewardship drive.

doodlebugmom said...

Good for you for making a commitment to good health =)

Rick said...

Well, I've made such commitments before . . . and do great until vacation time, then "bend the rules", and then go back to old habits.

I've got to find, for me, the "kicker" that keeps me on task for the right reasons.

I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...