Friday, May 18, 2012

Can music bring peace?

I guess I'm in a rambling writing mood these last couple of days.  I haven't written this much in some time, and I do feel I have rambled on a bit, jumping from subject to subject.

One of the concerns / passions on my heart these past few years is to answer the question, "can music help bring peace?"

I think the answer is "yes."  I want to believe the answer is "yes."  I want to hope that the answer is "yes."  I am not sure to what extent . . . guess I have to sing some more, play some more, and preach what I believe a peaceful preferred future can look like.

Part of the deal for me, is that I have to work toward a common of peace.  I'm an ordained United Methodist pastor.  I really have no choice.  To say that working for peace, between individuals, families, groups, communities, nations, cultures . . . is a waste time, and not worth the effort . . . well I don't get to travel that easy road.  My ordination, and the belief system of my faith tradition won't let me off the hook that easy.

One of the open doors in my life right now, is leading me to spend time, perhaps associating more with the "Playing for Change" program, or the anti-bullying program started by Petter Yarrow.  Maybe it will be something I come up with.

Whatever this may be, this is a path I have to walk down.  I hope it leads somewhere special.

God's grace still amazes me . . . ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...