Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thoughts about electric guitars . . .

It's a darn shame.

Yesterday, I took two guitars to the luthier's for a friend. We began talking about electric guitars, and I shared the frustration I was having with learning to play them.

Kerry said, "Are you saying you like how they sound, but that you don't like playing them?"

Today, my friend Floyd (he is doing well and immersed in the current tax season) asked me if I had lost the "fire" to play electric guitar.

Hmmmmm . . . well, it seems that I have lost the "fire."

In the past month, I have returned all but two of my electric guitars. Both of the ones I have left are gifts from dear friends, so I am keeping them. But the Sheraton and the Tele . . . they are gone.

Anyway, I can make my Martin D-16 or Alavarez jumbo sound a lot better than an electric when I run either of them through my pedal board.

Losing the "fire." I may never have had it to begin with . . . and maybe I hoped I could acquire it by acquiring new instruments.

Well . . . it 'taint so!

Guitars . . . I love them, and I want to get better at playing the ones I have. Being in a band again is helping me to improve. But the reality is this . . . my guitars . . . they are tools . . . and the best tool for me is an electrified acoustic. It seems that guitars are my second true love. My first true love is singing and performing.

An electric guitar with single coil or humbucker pickups . . . is just not the right tool for the job.

What is the moral of all this?

Well . . . maybe that I have some good friends that spoke the truth to me . . . and I heard what they said in the spirit it was given . . . and I am now experiencing some relief because it. And I have more money again . . . and more room in my office.

Wasting money and wasting time wasn't teaching me anything . . . but the words of good friends sure did.

I hope you have some good friends. And I hope you listen to them when they speak the truth to you . . . about you. Listen to them with your ears . . . but also with your heart.

Ever forward makinga joyful noise! ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...