Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'll even sing in a Pumpkin Patch!


No.  I am not the Great Pumpkin.

However, the youth group at FUMC-Grapevine are sponsoring a Pumpkin Patch next to our Ball Street parking lot, across from the Botanical Gardens.

Pumpkins everywhere!

The usual rush hits right after school lets out. Today was my first day to play the guitar and sing for whomever wanted to listen, and to entertain all of our great volunteers.

Can't say enough about the weather!   Can't say enough about all the good people I get to do neat things with!

God grace still amazes me . . . ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...