Wednesday, August 21, 2013

iPad . . . what have you done for me lately?

IK Multimedia is a company that manufactures and sells different accessories for musicians to use with iPads and iPhones.

Since I claim to be a musician, and since I have an iPad, I thought I would give a few of their products a try since they were advertising a "B-Stock" (blemished/returns) sale.

I purchased the iKlip, the iRig, and the iMic.

I had already purchased their iRig Pre, which allows you to plug a standard microphone into your iPad.  The iMic ( ) is a microphone that plugs into the iPad without having to carry a second accessory.  We will see if it works well for recording, and for recording my blogs more often by "voice."

The iKlip ( )is a little ingenious thing that holds your iPad onto a microphone stand in various positions depending on what you are using the iPad for.  Since I have most of my song music in the Pages app on my iPad, I thought I could use the iPad instead of carrying a big 3-ring notebook and a music stand.  I tried it out just now, and I like it a lot.  I think it's going to work.  I've seen singers and musicians use several variations of the iKlip when they performed at venues I frequent, mostly for singer guitarists who sing at restaurants.  If it means less to carry, and helps me justify the money I spent on the iPad in the first place . . . then let's go!

The iRig ( )  allows you to plug your guitar into your iPad, to record or to use the iPad as a pedal board with various guitar player apps.  Not sure how it's going to work with acoustic guitar. I will share that info later.

Hope the learning curve on all this is easy.  More to come.

God's graces till amazes me . . . ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...