And . . . wouldn't you know it . . . I started to cry. Could barely get out "my Mom is here." I pointed to her . . . at which time she stood and waved her hand in a very stately fashion appropriate for the dear mother of the pastor who was preaching that morning.
And, as everyone was looking at her . . . I forced myself to get better composed.
Who wants to see a 6'6" / 300 pound preacher in a black robe cry???
Mom waved at me and blew me a kiss.
I felt like a dork for crying.
In fact . . . I pretty much cried through out the rest of the service. The Fishers of Men sang two songs today . . . and it was good to see Charles, Gary and Russ from our 1st Church String Band singing in that group today. The entire group did a great job.
The chorus of the 2nd song they sang went like this . . .
-Loving God, Loving each other, Making music with my friends . . .
I just lost it again . . . for that is exactly what we do when we get together as a band to sing and play our music.
Sniff . . . Sniff
And . . . as I stood to preach . . . I found myself filled with more emotion before a sermon than I have ever felt in a very long time . . .
I preached about how important it is for each of us to clearly know our "one thing" in life . . . using as a reference the famous "Curly's Law" bit from the old City Slickers movie.
"One thing, just one thing . . . and all the rest don't mean ____."
I shared about my past obsession with turning 50 . . . which began when I was 48 . . . which was tied to my having lost sight and grasp of my "one thing" some time before. I shared the process, in detail, of how I rediscovered / recovered my "one thing" and shared it with all in the form of my personal mission statement:
To make a joyful noise wherever I am, or to cause one to be made, for God's glory.
That same mission statement appears in the right hand column of this blog . . . and has for over three years now.
I can't remember a time when I have seen as many people taking notes while I was preaching . . . and I don't believe I have ever received as many hugs from people after a sermon.
Usually when I preach, I tend to get a lot of blank stares.
Just kidding.
Anyway . . . it was a powerful service . . . and I haven't been as tired after a Sunday morning of worship services in a very long time.
And, my Mom got to hear me preach for the first time in about 5 years. She had been taking care of my late grandmother . . . and had to stay close by to where she lived . . . but today she was here . . . and we will be going with her on vacation here in a few days.
It was good.
God's grace still amazes me . . . ><>