Monday, July 22, 2013

Philmont Report #4

A quick update . . . as I start my final week at Philmont during this Summer 2013 camping season.

As of today, I have only 4 full days left here . . . and I am serving as the Back Country Chaplain, which means I am in a Chevy Suburban driving all over the place.  Today I went as far north as Dan Beard Camp . . . the first Philmont Chaplain to do so this year!  The final leg of the trip to Dan Beard Camp is the steepest road on the entire Philmont property. 

Thank you, Lord . . . for 4 wheel drive.

The north country here at Philmont has a distinct Southwest flavor . . . which I just love.  I actually walked up on a patch of Indian Paintbrush blooming at 8,300 feet elevation.  Awesome.

Tomorrow, along with Cantor Michael Dzubin (our Jewish Chaplain), I will be travelling back into the far north part of Philmont, called the Valle Vidal region . . . which I drove into last night with some of the staff from the Health Lodge, to pick up a sick camper who was participating in the Rayado program (a 21 day "pretty-much-on-your-own" hike through the region).  On the way back, after picking up another ill staff member . . . we blew a rear tire . . . at 1 AM in the morning.

Have you ever changed a tire in Northeast New Mexico, in the mountains, at 1 AM on a moonlight night . . . 30 miles from the nearest town . . . all 30 miles on a dirt road that is supposed to be a New Mexico State highway???

If you have, then you know what I mean by saying we were working fast to change the tire due to several series of "growling noises" coming from off the road near us.

We guessed it was a mountain lion . . . but we never saw it.

Or "them."

An adventure for sure.

I've had difficulty posting pictures . . . so I will do that after I get home in early August.

God's grace still amazes me . . . ><>


Stevarino said...

Hi Pastor Rick. Enjoying your blog. Keep it going. Steve

Stevarino said...

It was a pleasure and an honor to play, sing and enjoy your company this summer. God has graced and blessed me with your presence.

I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...