Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rick serving as Assembly and Worship Leader at VBS - June 24-28

It's that time of year again!!!!

Vacation Bible School!

I think I live for VBS each year.  My memories of VBS are numerous and ALL good.

Sad, perhaps to say, that some of my best memories in my life are VBS related.

On the other hand . . . some of my best memories in the my life are VBS related!  Awesome!!!!

Yep . . . I am VBS'r at heart . . . and proud of it.

I will be the Assembly and Worship leader at our SonWest Roundup VBS beginning at 9 AM on Monday, June 24th through June 28th.  Finally . . . we are doing a VBS with a western theme, which means I get to wear my big Philmont Scout Ranch Cowboy Hat every day!!!

And . . . I get to sing and play guitar every day!

And . . . I get to lead stunts every day!

And . . .

Yep . . . I am a VBS'r at heart . . . and proud of it.

Registration for VBS continues . . . the link to the VBS info page on the FUMC-Grapevine web site at . . . or contact the church office at 817-481-2559.

God's grace still amazes me . . . ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...