Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Lenten journey continues . . .

Here we are in week this 4th week of Lent.

I've put some extra effort into the journey of Lent this year. I have tried to partake of multiple devotional readings each day. I'm trying to pray more each day. I have taken on a couple of things for Lent that just need to remain private and personal, extra projects if you will. My office has never looked better, as I have paired down a bunch of books from my shelves, and paper from my files. My office is lean. I have been on a diet, and have lost over 24 pounds so far (along with dropping down 2 waist sizes). Guess I am getting lean as well.

Most of my pants are now too loose!

So . . . Lent this year has been a time of taking on and leaving off . . . and all done more than a year out from Ken Diehm's death. Part of Lent this year has been to come to grips with how Ken's loss has affected my life. I am on the recovery / moving on side of it now, but I know now how much it all weighed on me last year.

Those kinds of self-discoveries are all a part of what the season of Lent is really all about. They may hurt some, but they are for good.

Jesus has come close this Lent. And I am trying to listen to what He is saying.

All without doing much singing . . . and I find I have appreciated the rest from singing. I do need to say that I am looking forward to starting singing in the hospitals again in late April. But I am going to be more structured. It's time to choose how I am really going to make a difference as a Therapeutic Music Entertainer. Glad I have Jim Newton, Paul Hill and Larry Dykstra to guide me in that.

God's grace, and this special Lenten journey, still amazes me . . . ><>

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...