Thursday, September 7, 2017

Yeah, I'm back . . . and it's time for the music to begin again!

For the past 5 years, I've been dealing with thyroid cancer, moving to a new church as pastor, the death of my "big brother" Joe Laughlin, and the recent death of my mother, Ann Hudson.

Oh . . . and my new grandson, Brazos, was born this past March!

During this time, I pretty much lost the desire to write, and moreso, I lost my purpose of why I write.  I've been very busy . . . and my focus was honestly on other things.

Last week, I receieve the "all clear" from my oncologist following my 5th annual thyroid cancer scan.  I'm done.  It's over.   I will miss the staff at my oncologist's office very much.  There last words to me were . . . "go live again!"

During these past 5 years, I've been more mentally and emotionally focused on having cancer than I was aware of.  It had an effect on me.  I wasn't singing as much, and I haven't written much about what I love most . . . sharing about people and their relationships with their musical instruments.

Well, I'm back . . . and so is Rick's Song Bag.  One of my daughters is helping me set things back up, which will include another possible name change and for sure a move from Blogger to WordPress.

I will keep everyone informed.

For now . . . if you have a suggestion about a blog article featuring some individual, known or unknown, who enjoys playing their favorite musical instruments, then please forward that info to me at

Oh, the email address will probably change as well.

Back to the music!   This feels so good and so right.

Back to the music!

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I don't feel dressed without having a pen, pencil and notebook with me!

I'm at the age where I pretty much know what I like to have with me in terms of every-day-carry.   I like 4"x6" sized notebook...